Patient Reviews
Excel V Review by our own dermatologist!


My name is Ha Ji Hyun, and I'm the head dermatologist at the Jamsil branch.

I noticed that Dr. Ko Na Young of the Hwagok branch saw some considerable improvement from the Excel V treatment, so I decided to experience it for myself. The procedure for my own face was done by Dr. Oh Yoon Seok.

The Excel V laser uses 3 wavelengths to treat elasticity, pigmentation, and vascular conditions all at once.


This is me discussing my condition and treatment options with Dr. Oh. ^^


The first treatment I received was in Genesis mode. This uses patented wavelengths of 1064nm in a matter of microseconds, and is effective on treating scars, diffuse redness, rosacea, and skin rejuvenation.


With the Genesis mode, I could feel myself becoming warmer and warmer over time. For the two modes treating redness and pigmentation, a moisturizing gel is applied first. I'm a bit sensitive to pain, and I could feel little pricking sensations but it was nothing too uncomfortable.


I was also able to treat the visible veins around my nose with Excel V.


Usually I'm the one who performs Excel V on other patients, but this time I decided to have the same exact experience as my patients to be able to walk in their shoes. 


Usually, when patients visit our clinic, it isn't because of just one specific skin condition. People have a variety of skin conditions that they would like to treat all at once.

However, it's difficult to decide which treatment is more important than the others, especially when you can't afford too much money or time on receiving treatment. 

For such people, I would recommend the Excel V, because with three different modes, it can treat a variety of skin disorders and conditions.

1. You can treat different skin conditions with just one treatment session

2. It's more effective and requires less visits to the clinic




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