Swelling & bruising care and boosting blood circulation
- Boosting blood circulation
- Prevent the platelet from agglomerating
- Relieve swelling and bruising
- Anti-aging
What is U-CELL?
U-CELL is a regeneration skin care that helps vitalization of protein molecule and hydration of skin cell tissue by stimulating skin cell about a billion times in one second.It subsides swelling, bruising, and sensitive skin after skin regeneration and laser treatment.It is effective for acne, pigmented lesions, facial redness.
red cell agglutination

Red blood cells in smooth circulation

U-CELL magnetic treatment achieves healthy and clear skin by enhancing the function of matrix that surrounds the cell and removing the waste accumulated deep inside the skin. It also normalizes the flow of capillary in dermal layer of skin.
Effect of U-CELL
- Ease swelling and bruising
- Soothe sensitive skin
- Improve facial redness
- Relive inflammation
- Anti-aging
- Acne improvement
We recommend U-CELL for those who
- Concern about swelling and bruising after surgery or treatment
- Have sensitive skin and cannot perform laser treatment
- Concern about dry and sensitive skin
- Concern about acne and facial redness
- Wish to improve natural skin elasticity
Please note!
Please remove all metallic materials before treatmentSince U-CELL uses micro current pulse, please remove all metallic materials including ear rings, bracelet, and wrist watch before treatment.
We do not recommend this treatment for those who- Use cardiac pacemaker
- Wear metal braces for tooth correction are pregnant or breastfeeding -
Please follow the therapist’s lead during treatmentSince it uses electricity, please follow the therapist’s lead and do not touch your face during the treatment.
Please feel free to ask questions about treatment anytime.
▣ Refund / Indemnify Policy ▣
If a patient have a side effect happened from medical malpractice,
the clinic will do refund and indemnify under Medical Act of Korea.
the clinic will do refund and indemnify under Medical Act of Korea.
Patient Reviews
Aquapeeling treatment//Aqua peel // Aqua peel is a skin care and quick and effective on all skin types. It has 3 stages that melts the sebum to induce a gradual and natural exfoliation, finishing by distributing vitamins all the face. The result is making a clean and hydrated skin ton...
LDM Ultra sound liftingOne of our Chinese patient come to our clinic and give us her review for LDM treatment in our clinic. She has done for Acne scar treatment two times at our clinic before. ...
Rejuran Healer Injector, REJUMATE[Rejuran Healer Injector, REJUMATE] Hello^^ This is one of workers at Hwagok branch of Renewme Skin Clinic.These days the weather is dry and cold from windy. We feel dry our face more than other seasons. Even if we change moisturizer products or essence line, it doesn’t help...
Shennyyang Power Blogger Testimonial for Doublo gold, Thread lifting,Today, Singapore celebrity blogger, " Shennyyang" revisited to our clinic to have a consultation and treatment for Double chin removal. She visited our clinic 2 years ago for mini-liposuction. She said that it was great to show the effects and she wanted to see Dr. ha for her d...
DNA dermal rejuvenation, EXCEL V , PRP, PicoEnlithenIf you are a lipstick lover in Vietnam, you must be really familiar with this name “ Changmakeup” . The pretty youtuber at first was famous for her interesting lipstick swatch videos on the internet but now she has become one of the most influenced young people in Vietnam a...