The world best pulsed dye laser Vbeam Prima
with faster recovery!
To get rid of stained bruise!
Laser Bruises Treatment

Coin size
140,000 KRW
one eye
200,000 KRW
one eye
300,000 KRW

The causes of Bruises
To get a bruise, you have to be hit by something or have to run into something. When this happens by contusion or bruise, the area can cause hemorrhages in the capillaries of tissue and veins within the skin. The blood also coagulates for a long and it changes to bruises. As the greater amount of bleeding, the color of the bruise is more darker and it lasts longer on the skin. The thin skin area, such as around they eyes, It left more bruised for a long and remains hyper pigment, so it is important to treat bruise quickly. It can be applied to bruise for after Cosmetic Surgery: facelifts, eyelifts and rhinoplasty.
- Plastic surgery
- Car accident
- Contusion Bruise
Before & After of Bruise Treatment

The Stages of Bruises Colors
After formation
Pink and red
After 2-3 days
Blue and dark purple
After 7-10 days
Yellow and brown
A bruise will typically last between two and four weeks.
Some bruises will take longer to heal depends on both the severity of the injury and your body where you got the bruise.

The World best pulsed vascular laser that gets rid of Bruises with faster recovery
Vbeam Prima Bruises treatment
Available to treat the optimal pigment & vascular depending
on skin condition
DCD Minimize
skin damage
from cooling
device. -
treatment for
vascular from
595 NM
wavelength. -
Safe laser to
infants and
young children.

Advantages of Vbeam Prima
The laser treatment that lead to no heat harm to the surrounding normal tissues
The beam of Vbeam Prima Laser is between 0.45-40M sec, which is easily to be adjusted so that there will be no heat harm to the normal tissues surrounding the treatment area. The energy will only be transferred to the target area, thus an effective and safe treatment is possible.
Cooling system to minimalise the harm to the skin
By using the DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device) cooling system during the treatment, the skin temperature can be maintained at a cool condition. It could minimize the pain and harm to the skin so that no only adults but children could also receive the treatment.
During the treatment, cooling system is used to protect the skin.
During the treatment, the skin temperature can be maintained at a cool condition.
the clinic will do refund and indemnify under Medical Act of Korea.
Patient Reviews
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